2023-04-06 Faith in Art Collective 'Sitting with The Sisters'

Stories of ancient lives that inform and frame our current experience. Nine women whose lives are the focus of some part of the narrative of the Bible bring surprising insights into human nature and the intersection of the Divine in everyday experience.

Two enslaved. Two national leaders. Two too old. Two too sinful. Two too foreign. Three too young. All too real.

The invite is to sit with these sisters and to reflect on their stories. The art is a collaborative experience of 12 women in the context of a local church community bringing the stories of these 9 women for reflection and engagement in the experience of women and men. The pieces were largely produced in the context of gathered worship services on Sunday mornings: women artists, women preachers, men, women and children in the congregation.

Sit with the sisters and understand their stories, reflect on your own and be changed.

Part of a larger art practice that is loosely brought together under the heading of “Putting our faith in art” that is centred in the life of Titirangi Baptist Church, Kaurilands Road - works from the project are on display in the buildings at The Crossing.


Karen Ric-Hansen, Sue Quayle, Melanie Sharpe